Slitter Rewinders
Arpeco Tracker 16" #1006
Arpeco Tracker 16 inch (407mm) web width, Automatic Web-Edge Guide, Label Counter, 240 Volt - 1 Ph 660 Hz, Razor Cut Slitting System, Laterally Adjustable, Web Advance Unit, Diaphragm Chamber Web Clamp Upgrade, 30" Unwind Diameter, 24" Rewind Diameter, Roll Lift, 3" Bolt-on Rewind Shaft, Available Immediately, Excellent condition
13” Rotoflex 1300 #1010
13” Rotoflex 1300 series, Shear slitting, Splicing table, 2 product rewinds, Waste rewind, 3 inch core holders, 2 web grippers, trim removal system, strobes, web guiding system, Totalizing counter, Footage counter, 110/220 Volts 18 amps
Rotoflex VLI-330 #1024
Rotoflex VLI-330 Slitting Rewinder,Serial Number VLI651930831, 13" Width, Max Roll Dia. 30", MagPower Digitrac Tension Control, Inspection, Single product, Razor Slitting, Volts 110/220, 38 Apm, Cyc 60
Arpeco Tracker #1034
Arpeco tracker 16", Tracker 16 inch (407mm), web width, Automatic Web Guide – Electronic, edge guide, Label Counter, 200/240 Volt 3 Ph 47-66 Hz, Razor Cut Slitting System – Fixed Locations Laterally Adjustable, Web Advance Unit, Diaphragm Chamber Web Clamp Upgrade, 30” Unwind Diameter , 24” Rewind Diameter, Roll Lift, 3” Bolt on Rewind Shaft, Die cutter attachment included
Rotoflex VLI-330 #1035
Rotoflex VLI-330 Slitting Rewinder, 13" Width Max Roll Dia. 30" MagPower Digitrac Tension Control Inspection Single product Razor Slitting Volts 110/220 38 Apm Cyc 60
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DCR Die cutter 10” #1044
DCR Die cutter 13” #1053
Mark Andy die cutter Model: DCR1000-13B Width: 13" No roll lift Splicing table Web guide Die stations 2 Waste wind up 1 Rewind: Dual Voltage: 208V Phase: Single Hertz: 60
Table top rewinder #1057
Lederle 720 Rewind table
Width10", slitting, core diameter 3", foot pedal, counter, forward reverse,
20" Rotoflex VLI #1058
20" Rotoflex VLI 500 SLITTER & 2 Position DIE CUTTER Year 1994 Serial # VLI 766940803 40", unwind with roll lift web guide there are 2 X C/K knives and 5 X Shear knives for slitting 2 Die Stations 1 x waste rewind counter Single 3" product rewind Core Diameter 24"
Rotoflex VSI 250 #1061
Rotoflex VSI 250 Slitter/rewinder Strobe Slitting Manual load Web guide Counter Voltage 115/230 Single phase
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Arpeco tracker 13" #1062
Arpeco tracker 13", 240 volts, single phase, 20 amp, 60 hz ,fife web guide system, length counter, web clamps, 3” bolt on rewind shaft, 3 hp motor , max. unwind diameter: 28”, max. rewind diameter 18”.
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Arpeco tracker 13" - #1084
Arpeco tracker 13", Available immediately, Great condition, 240 volts, single phase, 20 amp, 60 hz, web guide, 3 hp motor max., unwind diameter: 28”, max. rewind diameter 18”.
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Rotoflex VSI 250 10" - #1102
Rotoflex VSI 250 10" slitter/rewinder, slitting, splice table, strobe inspection system, , standard unwind, single rewind, foot pedal control, machine just taken out of service and in good running condition
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